
With a location sworn to secrecy, Dawn's Delights is most often available through a hive-shaped caravan known as the, 'Honey Hive.'All products are made by Isilliya and her bees. There are an assortment products from simple honey jars to infused honey, honey candies, meads, salves, and so forth. Please see the menu below for more information! Please note that all prices listed are done with a simple conversion method of 1:1 ($1 = 1s). Listed prices are purely in character and no out of character coin will ever be expected.If you would like the Honey Hive at your next event, please feel free to message me!


Roleplay Hooks

  • Frequent / Infrequent Clients.

  • Taverns / Breweries interested in selling specialty mead.

  • Hosting an event you need a merchant for.

  • You're a doctor or alchemist in need of honey products.

  • You have another idea? Message me!